Review: Primrose Bakery

Since I started working and more recently, living in London, there’s a lot more chances to try new bakeries and dessert-type places. So, I thought I’d introduce something a little different to the blog – reviews! I’m not a food critic, as much as I’d enjoy all that food, so these are just my opinions and nothing to be taken too seriously. Continue reading “Review: Primrose Bakery”

Linslade School Summer Fayre

I spent most evenings of last week baking and decorating cupcakes in preparation for the Linslade Lower School summer fayre, which was held last Saturday afternoon. Thank goodness it was sunny – otherwise I don’t think the turn out would have been as good, and the cakes wouldn’t have sold out! I found that the little cupcake boxes were very popular, so definitely worth investing in more for future events. Continue reading “Linslade School Summer Fayre”

Nutella Cupcakes

Part 2 of my baking afternoon with Sophie was spent making Nutella cupcakes. Also known as Hazelnut and Chocolate cupcakes, if you use the generic term for Nutella!

The cupcake is just a standard chocolate base, with a small hollowed out centre section where a dollop of Nutella (or any hazelnut and chocolate spread) was inserted. We decided to place the hollowed out ‘top’ of the cupcake back over the spread, so that it didn’t get too mixed in with the buttercream. Continue reading “Nutella Cupcakes”