Good old fashioned, chocolate cookies

I came across a “Chocolate Crackles” recipe in my Great British Bake Off: How to Bake book and it looked very similar to a standard brownie recipe… but in a cookie form, so I had to try it out. It turned out to be a delicious chocolate cookie, with a nice and crunchy outer layer and a soft, almost gooey centre. Think I’ve found my new favourite chocolate cookie recipe! Continue reading “Good old fashioned, chocolate cookies”


This was the first recipe I tried from the new Hummingbird Bakery – Cake Days cookbook. It looked simple to prepare and didn’t need a lot of strange ingredients (lemonade syrup, rosewater, violet essence to name a few!). Snickerdoodles are tasty cinnamon cookies, which are crunchy on the outside and softer once you bite into them. They are delicious. Honestly, if you like the taste of cinnamon, you will most likely love these cookies. Continue reading “Snickerdoodles”

Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

choc chip cookiesI was feeling peckish and there weren’t any chocolatey snacks in the house (except Ferrero Rochers, but I think I’ve eaten too many of these in the past few months).. so after dinner, I made some chocolate chip cookies!

These aren’t the type of cookies which use a cutter, the mixture is much more sticky so using a cutter is near impossible. I prefer this type of cookie, I don’t need to worry about the shape and whether it’ll end up joining the other cookies on the sheet and become one massive cookie. Although.. the first time I made them, I didn’t realise how easily they’d expand and putting them so close to each other meant I ended up one 2 giant sheets of cookie. Continue reading “Double Chocolate Chip Cookies”

Hummingbird Chocolate Brownies

I spent an afternoon baking with my cousin Sophie (Hi Soph!) and we made some chocolate brownies from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook. I’ve made these brownies before, but this was probably the best they have ever turned out – for once, it wasn’t too gooey in the centre and we could actually slice it up instead of eating it straight out of the baking tray. Continue reading “Hummingbird Chocolate Brownies”