Bake Off 2015 – Week Two: Biscuits

Up next on Bake Off was Biscuit Week, namely biscotti, arlettes and a very over the top biscuit box. I’ve gone with biscotti this week as I’ve been meaning to try them out for some time now. For my biscotti, I went with a pistachio and lemon pairing, so keep reading on for the recipe.  Continue reading “Bake Off 2015 – Week Two: Biscuits”

Bake Off: Cherry Cake

Great British Bake Off is back for another series and I couldn’t be happier, I feel as if my life is complete once again (I wish this wasn’t true, haha!) It’s a great show for baking inspiration and seeing all the different flavour combinations the contestants keep up with. This year, I’m going to try and and bake something from each week of the show (setting a big goal there, I only managed one week last year..oops).

First off, we have cake week.. the best week in my opinion (any guesses why?), so I decided to try out the technical bake, Mary’s cherry cake.. Continue reading “Bake Off: Cherry Cake”

Lemon & Blueberry Cupcakes

Lemon and blueberry – not the most seasonal of flavours, but one to cure the post-summer blues now that it’s getting slightly darker and slightly colder. Last night, I had some time and thought I’d experiment with a new flavour. I’m a big fan of lemon flavoured cakes and blueberries are one of the very few fruits I eat (I know, I know, I should eat healthier..) so why not mix the two together? The burst of colour from the blueberries in the cupcake makes it a little more interesting as well. Recipe as follows…

Continue reading “Lemon & Blueberry Cupcakes”